Internal Committee Against Sexual Harassment (ICASH) at CBR, IISc

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 as enacted by the Government of India is available at:

Any unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal behaviour or conduct of a sexual nature (directly or implied) toward a female member of the institute will attract appropriate disciplinary action.

Any of the following ICASH members at CBR may be contacted in writing for lodging complaints:

Dr. Bratati Kahali, Assistant Professor, CBR (bratati@iisc.ac.in)Chair 
Dr. Khader Valli Rupanagudi, Scientific Officer, CBR (khader@iisc.ac.in)Member
Dr. Latha Diwakar Senior Scientific Officer, CBR (latha@iisc.ac.in)Member
Mr. P Manivannan, Finance Officer, CBR (manivannan@iisc.ac.in)Member
Ms. Pragati Shukla, Advocate (shuklapragati7@gmail.com)Member

Last Updated on January 21, 2022